Author: brewadmin

Building Relationships: Construction Vendors We Love

Building Relationships: Construction Vendors We Love

Over the years, we have worked with a number of vendors that we’ve come to love and trust for ensuring we deliver only the highest quality of products. Here is a small compilation of some of the ones we use (and recommend) most often. While these are our go-tos for the build-out process, many of them also have consumer and home improvement tools that may come in handy for your next at-home project. We definitely recommend checking them out!

Purpera and Sons Lumber – Family-owned and operated, Purpera and Sons Lumber has an extensive inventory of everything you could need for forming, framing and finishing, including hardware, lumber, roofing, doors, windows and paint. Purpera is known for its prompt on-site delivery and material pick-up as well as its knowledgeable advice and estimating.
Learn more here >

Picou Builders Supply – Picou Builders Supply is the largest and fastest-growing lumber yard in southeast Louisiana. A second-generation family company, Picou carries lumber and building materials, hardware, equipment and more. With decades of experience and computer-aided estimating of building and remodeling plans, Picou is a reliable source for your needs.
Learn more here >

Stine Lumber – Led by family and faith since 1946, Stine Lumber provides customer-focused home improvement items as well as building material supplies. With 12 locations, Stine Lumber is Louisiana’s largest family-owned home improvement retailer. In addition to providing top-notch customer care, Stine is also extremely involved in its community, donating time and resources when able.
Learn more here > 

Assured Flooring and Countertops – Family owned and operated since 2004, Assured Flooring and Countertops carries a beautiful variety of countertops, backsplaces, flooring, cabinets and more. In addition to its large selection of products, it also offers instllation and removal services to help you complete your vision.
Learn more here >

Bayou Fabricated Products– Bayou Fabricated Products specializes in miscellaneous structural steel fabrication, which includes handrails, stairs, commercial buildings, hospitals and apartment buildings. Established in 1998, Bayou Fabricated Products’ team has great experience installing these made-to-order structures.
Learn more here >

Thank you to each of these vendors for your hard work and dedication in partnering with us. Please note this list in no way represents ALL of our fabulous vendors that we recommend, but these are some that we have consistently seen go above and beyond. If you have any questions about our vendors or want to start a commercial or industrial construction project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

How the Industrial Construction World is Changing

How the Industrial Construction World is Changing | BRP Construction

While still recovering from the 2020 recession and COVID-19, as well as the supply and workforce shortages that came with it, the industrial construction industry has had to adapt to keep up with ongoing demands. Here are a few ways the industrial construction industry has and will continue to shift in response to recent events.

Technological Takeover – In order to increase job site safety, to help mitigate the lack of talent available and to follow state regulations put into place as a result of COVID-19, many industrial construction companies are turning to technology. From project workflow systems and smart contracts to robots and material “mules” to drone security, augmented reality planning systems and building information modeling (BIM) renderings, smarter, more efficient operations are being put into place wherever applicable.

Going Green – Although not as prominent as the commercial sector, industrial clients and builders are tending to adopt a more sustainable outlook in light of growing environmental and supply concerns. The majority of this initiative will take place in both the digital design and planning of structures as well as in utilizing sustainable materials. Things like bendable self-healing concrete, 3D-printed materials and engineered timber are already in the mix, and we can expect to see similar inventions continue to enter the research and development phase in the upcoming years.

Modular Materials – While modular equipment is most prominent in the residential and commercial industries, we can see it growing and evolving into the industrial sphere as well. With structural options like steel and concrete, modular construction is a long-lasting, high-quality alternative to increase the efficiency, flexibility and safety of a project. This method allows work to be done on individual pieces where the workforce is plenty and it offers more mild working conditions for those on the job. Then, once assembly is to occur, it is a simple plug-and-play operation.

Storage Space – With the large wave of e-commerce during the pandemic, a need for additional, more robust warehouses to hold goods is increasing. Particularly in areas with dense populations, multi-story warehouses are anticipated to be on the rise. Not only is storage a major component of change, but so is the demand for temperature-controlled storage solutions to keep products like groceries cold for the duration of its holding in the facility.

While it is unclear if the supply chain of resources and materials will pick up anytime soon, it is certain that creativity and innovation can go a long way in mitigating its effects. And this mindset will only help propel the industrial construction industry forward for years to come.

How To Prepare Your Home or Business for Winter

While it can be a nice relief for southern states when temperatures begin to drop, the winter months can take a toll on your home or business if not prepared properly. Here are some tips to help you get your structure in shape to battle the cold weather so that you aren’t wasting energy, time and money.

Lower your thermostat when it’s not in use – When you’re not at home or your office, bump your heater down a few degrees to conserve energy. There’s no need to keep your space warm when no one is there, and it can save you 1-3% on your heating bill.

Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors – Running heaters while your space is sealed tight from the elements can be a recipe for disaster. Encountering your first cold front of the year is the perfect opportunity to run a test. This will make sure your detectors will be able to promptly detect a fire or carbon monoxide leak should they occur in the future.

Check your heating and air conditioning system – Call a reputable HVAC to check up on your structure’s system to ensure everything is in working order before it’s too late. Regular professional maintenance as well as replacing your air filters consistently will go a long way in making sure you aren’t left out in the cold.

Drain your faucets and cover your exterior pipes – One of the most common things that happens to home and business owners during the first hard freeze of the season is frozen and/or busted pipes. To prevent this from happening, simply disconnect any hoses you may have hooked up, let the water drain out of your exterior spigots and then use pipe insulation and faucet covers to protect your system. Also, be sure to leave your outdoor faucets off throughout the duration of the season. 

Seal or caulk any cracks or leaks – The last thing you want is to leave an opening to let cold air and precipitation into your home or business. Check around your exterior doors and windows for any visible gaps and promptly fill them with a silicone or rubber caulk to keep the winter weather from seeping in. If any of your windows are extremely drafty, consider weather stripping or upgrading your glass to double-paned for extra protection.

These simple steps will go a long way in keeping you, your family and your employees warm and cozy during the chilly months. On top of that, these preventative measures could help reduce your energy consumption and save you money in the long run. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Why Architects Need Great Contractors and Why Contractors Need Great Architects

Why Architects Need Great Contractors and Why Contractors Need Great Architects | BRP Construction

It’s remarkable when contractors and architects understand how each benefits from the other’s work. They can gain insights into each other’s viewpoints and recognize why they need one another to thrive.

It’s true that the architect comes up with the design vision and creates an architectural plan to meet a client’s needs, but it’s the general contractor who brings that vision to life. Contractors have a wealth of knowledge and pull from their history of construction science and their wealth of experience on the jobsite to make important build decisions. The contractor coordinates the labor, equipment and services and all the materials necessary to build a sound and functional structure. Not to mention the number of responsibilities they have, such as the procurement of building permits, management of onsite personnel, administration of budgets and engagement of specialized subcontractors.

The role of a contractor goes far beyond general project management. One of the primary duties of the general contractor is to certify the actuality and credibility of building features. While the architect is more experienced in design, the general contractor knows what is and isn’t possible when it comes to construction and can identify design features that are not in the best interest of a building project. The contractor can advise the architects who, with all their enthusiasm about the boundless possibilities of design, may at times be overly ambitious or push the limits of capability. The actual construction of these goodhearted designs is not always sensible in terms of budget or schedule and sometimes simply isn’t doable. When this is the case, a design change may be called for. A competent general contractor will identify when changing a design feature is the best option and communicate the need clearly and effectively with the architect so that everyone on the project team recognizes that the compromise is in the best interest of the client.

In the end, architects cannot see their project ideas, designs and visions fully realized without contractor management. Likewise, contractors need architects to create structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing designs before they can get to work bringing these designs to life.

By understanding one another’s roles, maintaining effective communication and respecting each other’s professional perspectives, architects will make smarter design decisions and contractors will build those designs more successfully. This is a win-win for the architect, the general contractor and, not least, for the client.

Why You Should Rebuild With A Licensed Contractor

Why You Should Rebuild With A Licensed Contractor

Don’t let yourself become a victim twice after disaster strikes your home or business. Contractor fraud is a very real thing, and it is even more prevalent following life-altering events like hurricanes, tornadoes and floods, as unlicensed contractors prey on those who are emotionally and financially stressed.  If you are rebuilding your home or business after a hurricane or flood, it is imperative that you do your research and use a Louisiana licensed contractor. It will save you time, money and heartache in the long run. Here are steps you can take to secure a reputable, licensed contractor to help in your restoration:

The first step is to always get the contractor’s name, business address and their license or registration number, then verify their license with the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors . Here are three ways you can verify a license in Louisiana:

  1. Search online at
  2. Text 1-855-999-7896 to verify toll-free.
  3. Use the LSLBC Mobile App.

Keep in mind that your contractor MUST be licensed in the state of Louisiana – if they are traveling in from out-of-state to complete work, a license in their home state does not automatically qualify. In fact, the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors can actually place a “stop work” order on your project if you hire a contractor not licensed in Louisiana. This will only elongate the amount of time you will be without your home or business.

In addition to verifying a contractor’s license, it is also recommended to obtain the following:

  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Proof of worker’s compensation
  • A signed, written contract that outlines a description of services to be performed, an estimated start and finish date and the agreed-upon total dollar amount to be paid

Beyond verifying a license and receiving proof of the above materials, here are some other practical ways you can ensure you enlist the help of a trustworthy contractor:

  • Get 2-3 estimates to compare not only overall cost, but also materials, timelines, etc.
  • Ask for 3 references from a potential contractor so that you can contact previous customers to verify a job well-done
  • Don’t make a large down payment upfront – make installments along the way as work is completed, and don’t hand over your final paycheck until the work is finished to your satisfaction

We know that when it comes to rebuilding after a disaster, you want to move as quickly as possible. But, you’ll want to make sure to do your due diligence before hiring a contractor to verify they are licensed and have an excellent track record. For more information on specific types of licenses required to complete a job or to file a fraudulent complaint, please visit If you are searching for a local, licensed and insured contractor to help you rebuild, contact us today. We are here to help.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Heat Illness

What Can Be Done to Prevent Heat Illness | BRP Construction

The summer heat in Louisiana can be brutal, not to mention overbearing. And if you’re in construction, a single day in extreme heat can feel like a week. It’s critical that workers are protected from heat stress. If the temperature is high and humid or the worker is in the direct sun doing physical labor and hasn’t been keeping up with water intake, things can go south quickly.

If you see someone who has a headache, dizziness or shows symptoms of weakness, irritability or confusion, it’s time to act fast. Call a supervisor or 911. Have someone stay with the worker until help arrives. Remove their outer clothing and fan or mist them with water. Apply ice bags or cold towels to them to help cool off. And, of course, have them drink plenty of cool water.

There are several ways to prevent heat illness. Put together a complete heat illness prevention program and provide training around conditions that would lead to heat stress and how to avoid them. Make sure you have plenty of cool water near your workers and make sure they’re drinking at least one pint an hour. Another good way to prevent heat illness is to modify work schedules and arrange frequent rest periods in shaded areas. Some prefer to wear protective clothing that provides cooling or to wear lesser lightweight, lighter-colored clothing.

Protecting workers from heat illness is no joke. On average, nearly 700 people succumb to heat illness a year when they don’t need to. However, it’s not just death that should worry workers. Heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat rashes are very common and avoidable.

At BRP Construction, we take heat illness very seriously and ensure that every worker adheres to OSHA standards. Our workers are NOT just workers; they’re like family.

Are We Turning The Corner on Lumber Prices?

Are we turning the corner on lumber prices?

Early on in 2020, when the pandemic was just getting noticed, lumber prices slumped. From early March to mid-June, prices plummeted and held at a relatively low mark.

When the global shutdown was put in place, construction operations in most locations were shut down, and lumber mills were left with an excess supply. So, how could lumber increase from roughly $250 per 1000 board feet to over $850 per 1000 board feet?

Over the past few months in the US, due to the fragility in the economy, interest rates were at an all-time low. Low-interest rates for home mortgages and new construction financing led to a boom in the remodeling and building industries when businesses opened their doors.

Frankly, the boom in the building industry was a shock to the system in the lumber industry. Mills went from having an excess supply of wood to a shortfall in what seems like overnight.

As the demand for lumber continued to grow, supply could not catch up, resulting in an increase in lumber costs by 340% or more in many locations.

But are we turning the corner? As of a few weeks ago, the price per 1000 board feet fell to $114. That’s a 20% drop in price. So how could there be such a drastic change in costs – well, people are fed up and are refusing to pay the exorbitant price for lumber.

Even with new home construction down 8.8% from the 14-year high set in March and with home-improvement sales down and prices soaring to their highest in March, a perfect recipe for a price correction was put in place.

We will continue to see lumber prices incrementally drop and new home construction and remodeling increase to find a balance. Many homeowners who were stuck at home, unable to travel, found a different meaning of what a home means and how it can be best used.

If you’re looking to begin your next project or buildout, give BRP Construction a call at 225-636-6621 or email

7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Construction Company

7 Things to Consider when Choosing a Commercial Construction Company

Whether you’ve built other buildings in the past or you’re new to commercial builds, there are several things you should know about finding a trustworthy builder. This article will explore seven things to look for when choosing a commercial construction company. The goal is that you’ll be prepared and your needs will be met.

1. Reliability

There is a lot of stress surrounding a commercial construction project, so choosing a company you can rely on is important. You need to have quick, direct access to them and other key players throughout the process.

Everyone wants good customer service and there is no exception here. Make sure you choose a company that can be reached at ANY time. If you have questions or need to make changes, you need to select a company you can count on to help when you need it.

2. Understanding of Architectural Design and Engineering

Whether you’re building out an existing structure or building a high-rise office building, working with someone who has solid knowledge of architecture and engineering is paramount. If you talk to many builders, you will quickly learn that many don’t understand the nuances of commercial construction or engineering.

If you choose to work with someone who doesn’t have this knowledge, you could end up with a lot of issues later. Make sure the person you choose to work with has plans drawn out that line up with your vision before you commit to working with them. Look at it this way; if you choose a quality commercial contractor, they should be able to create anything you want to make your dream a reality.

3. Experience

You want to hire someone who has a track record of success and years of experience. Ask your prospective choices to provide you with a portfolio of their past work to give you a better idea. If they’re reputable, they won’t hesitate to do so.

Make sure to check their references and find out what their customers are saying about them and what their experience was like working with them. When you choose someone with the right experience, you can expect to have a much smoother process for the entire project.

4. All Costs Are Communicated and Clear

We don’t need to tell you that construction projects are costly and having a budget in place is a great place to start. Working with a quality company will show every cost for you in detail and will be very clear what your total cost will be once the project is complete.

It’s important to make sure your contract spells out every single expense and that it’s clear when change orders will be needed. Make sure you can see every step of the prices when it comes to costs. You don’t want any surprises. One more thing to note, if changes need to be made, the company you choose should get your approval before proceeding.

5. Communication

With many people working on a commercial construction project you need clear communication to make it a success. The company you choose needs to know how to communicate with their workers and you.

Just think about it – from plumbers to electricians to framers – having solid clear communication will make the build go much more smoothly. Whoever you choose, they must have a policy in place to make sure every moving part works together for the common goal.

6. Realistic Timeline

You embarked on this project and you’re probably raring to get your business up and running. A contractor should understand the date you have targeted and should do an excellent job laying out a timeline for you.

You’ve probably heard that unexpected things can throw a wrench in the process, which is why it’s great to have a grace period built-in and there is good communication between all parties. Have your chosen builder walk you through the timeline in detail and point out any potential delays.

7. Completion

You don’t want to be working with dozens of people trying to understand where they are at in the build or if a permit has been pulled. From architectural drawings to hiring subcontractors, you want your commercial construction company to be a one-stop-shop.

When looking for a partner, look for a company that can handle everything from the first day to the last. They should be there for the entire process and that it’s done in the correct order and is of quality. This is the best way to keep everything managed while staying in control of your budget and the process.

Many things need to be considered before deciding to embark on your commercial construction journey. Follow these seven tips to help you choose a professional construction company and you’ll be in good hands.

For all of your commercial construction needs, be sure to reach out to

What is a Tenant Build-Out and Do You Need One?

black and white image of a tenant build-out

Chances are, when you’re looking to move your business into a strip mall, mall or even a business park, you’ll need to look at renovating the space to fit your business wants and needs. This process of finishing a space is called a tenant build-out and it’s one of the fastest ways to get your business up and running.

When looking at a space, it’s important to negotiate with the landlord an improvement allowance to help renovate the space for your needs. Typically the amount of the allowance will depend on the length of the lease and the rental rate.

As an owner of a strip mall or business park, working with a tenant on a build-out, you’ll want to know what improvements will be made, who is in charge of overseeing the work that is being done and let the tenant know how you’d like the space to be left once the tenant’s lease is up. Does the space need to be returned to its original specifications? Or, do only specific improvements need to be removed?

Regardless if you’re a business owner or a building owner, choosing the right contractor is essential. Your tenant build-out will only be as good as the contractor you select for your project. They’re responsible for ensuring all the items on the list are completed on time and are accurate and that the construction quality is on point. The contractor is also responsible for making sure the project is delivered on time and within your budget.

Whether you’re looking for an upgrade to your current space or are looking for a total build-out for your building or new business, BRP Construction is your unmatched partner to help with your project. Give us a call at 225-636-6621 or email

Integrity – It’s One of BRP’s Core Values – But What Does it Really Mean?

What does integrity mean blog post image

It means we have a work ethic that stands the test of time, founded on trust, that ultimately leads to our customer’s future success.

Imagine that you were standing before a wooden rope bridge. What does it mean for this bridge to have integrity? What is the likelihood that the bridge lacks integrity? Would you cross it? While all bridges serve the same function, integrity is the most influential factor in what happens next.

Integrity means we do the right thing. Even when no one is watching. In our line of work, we build things that will last for generations.

Integrity also requires us to lead by example. As an industry leader in commercial construction, we have the power and responsibility to raise standards for everyone’s benefit. Where we go, we hope others will follow. When we see something wrong, we respectfully speak up. Mistakes happen, but through vigilance and communication, they can be remedied before they become something more. We are always proactively seeking the right answer for ourselves, our customers, and the integrity of all who work with BRP.

When we live with integrity, we build the most crucial kind of bridge – Trust. A great bridge is one you can trust completely. Integrity is how we build and maintain lasting relationships with our clients. So, what does integrity really mean? It means we possess a work ethic that stands the test of time, one that is founded on trust. One that leads our customers to greater future success.

If you have any commercial building needs and If you’re looking to work with a company that built on a foundation of integrity, knowledge and passion, then give us a call at 225-636-6621 or email